To guarantee a successful backcountry hunting adventure, you need to pack just the right gear—and now’s the time to start planning
So much for the days when we could count on a successful hunt out in the back forty. Thanks to improved access and with it, more hunting pressure, we now often need to leave the beaten track far in the rear-view mirror if we want to ensure we don’t return home empty-handed. That’s particularly the case when it comes to hunting big game such as goats, sheep, caribou and mule deer in the high country. And, of course, heading far afield means you also need to carefully select just the right gear to bring along.
I shudder when I look at my first backcountry hunts, equipped as I was with ill-fitting backpacks, leaky tents, heavy rifles, terrible food, soggy clothing and leaky boots. And let’s not even talk about the lack of proper emergency gear. In retrospect, I’m grateful for the success I had on those early hunts, although I have to concede I’m not sure how I managed to pull them off.
These days, thankfully, backcountry adventurers have access to some of the most specialized camping and hunting equipment the marketplace has ever seen. To get you started on your packing list for the coming season, here’s the lowdown on 12 items you need to ensure an enjoyable, safe and successful foray beyond the back forty.