50 all-time top tactics for hunting big game, waterfowl and upland birds in Canada
#21 When shooting at steep angles at extended ranges, whether uphill or downhill, you must aim lower than you normally would for that same line-of-sight distance. Gravity pulling on our bullet acts on horizontal, not line-of-sight, distance.
#22 After setting up your ground blind, clear away any debris to eliminate the potential for unwanted noises at the worst possible moment. As you would with a treestand, also keep your shooting lanes free of any limbs that could affect the flight of your arrow or bullet.
#23 Many game birds are wounded and lost when you hit them too far back. To avoid that, focus on their head or neck instead, and adjust your lead from there. Focussing on the body contributes to insufficient leads and crippled or missed birds.
#24 When calling bull moose, make three to five long cow bawls. If there’s no response, call again after 10 to 20 minutes. If a bull does answer, continue calling as long as he keeps responding. If he goes silent, call more quietly and mix in a few bull grunts.
#25 To spruce up your deer decoy, tape or tie a short strip of white cloth to its hind end. This artificial tail will wave in even the slightest breeze, adding movement and a touch of realism.
#26 Look for parts of an animal when glassing—the twitch of an ear, the wag of a tail, the glint of an antler or the horizontal line of a back—rather than the entire animal, especially in wooded terrain.
#27 A rock-solid rest increases your shooting accuracy. In open country, a bipod is invaluable, while shooting sticks are the answer in forested or broken habitats. Practise shooting with both options to ensure you’re comfortable with them when game appears.
#28 A Mojo Pick Stick is invaluable for collecting spent shotshells after your waterfowl hunt. The magnetic staff extends to nearly six feet, making for a speedy clean-up in the field or in the boat. It saves your back while saving the environment!
#29 To eliminate guesswork and your improve accuracy in open country, use a rangefinder to determine the exact distance to your quarry. Also tape a table to your stock that lists the required holdover at various ranges.
#30 Research has demonstrated there’s no relationship between the moon phase and deer activity throughout the day, despite what many believe. As such, don’t make the moon phase an integral part of your hunting plan.