Vacation plan
Lake Huron park has great fishing, hiking, beachcombing and much more
No matter how long they’ve been on summer vacation, kids eventually start complaining that they’re bored. If you’ve got young kids, the splash pad will only buy you so much time. And if you’ve got older ones, it can sometimes be tough to tear them away from screens. The solution? Pack up and head into the great outdoors. While a simple change of environment can do wonders to entertain easily-bored kids, you can up the novelty factor by creating a personalized bucket list. That’s what managing editor Bob Sexton and family did when they visited Inverhuron Provincial Park near Kincardine, Ontario, in June, 2018. He describes five items on their Inverhuron to-do list.
Catch the sunset
Just how awe-inspiring are the sunsets at Inverhuron? They stopped our kids from chattering, whining, goofing around or fighting for nearly a whole minute. And that’s worth the price of admission right there! Watching the sunset became a nightly family ritual, and will undoubtedly be one of your highlights when you visit the park, too.