A beginner’s guide to everything you should know before heading out on the trapline
As Canadians, we are blessed with some of the finest hunting and fishing opportunities in the world, but there is one outdoor activity many never consider—fur trapping. Nothing is so closely linked to our country’s history, and regardless of what the misinformed may say, there’s no denying fur formed the foundation of Canada. From the first trading exchange between Jacques Cartier with the Mi’kmaq in the Baie des Chaleurs to the high-fashion creations of the 21st century, wild fur from Canada has always been sought after by those desiring a quality, luxurious garment.
Recognized as an efficient wildlife management tool, the pursuit of fur provides numerous economic benefits for both rural and northern communities. It also ensures valuable traditions are maintained. Along with possessing excellent outdoor skills, trappers are part geographer, biologist, historian and meteorologist.
Time has changed many outdoor sports, but the lore, allure and even the lucre of fur remains celebrated each autumn across this lone land. Few are so driven, have such a love of wild places or have endured such unwarranted public floggings as fur trappers.
Regardless of the current world situation, fur trapping is alive—and a pursuit worth considering. With that, let’s delve deeper to see just what it takes to become a modern fur harvester.