When is moping around actually fun? When it catches you a mess of bass
Delirious is the only word to describe how we felt the other day fishing for early season smallmouth. The weather was unbelievably warm as we basked in the spring sunshine under the heat dome that is deeply rooted over central and western Canada right now. And the constantly warming water — the surface temperature rose at least five to eight degrees over the course of the day — had the bass supercharged and mad. We reckon we put 65 or 70 fish into the Kingfisher, but it may have been closer to 100.
And how we caught them will surprise you. We were moping jerkbaits. It is one of our favourite ways to catch early season smallmouth and relies on a couple of critical, but very easy to employ details. To better explain what we were doing, we put together this short video for you, so enough with the words. Just click on the image link below and watch how easy it is to catch more and bigger smallmouth this spring moping jerkbaits.