Nothing can compare with hands-on instruction when it comes to learning a new fly-fishing technique, such as spey casting. Still, well-produced videos can go a long way. With that in mind, the footage (and info) on the four websites below will get you spey casting in the right direction.
Virtually Flycasting
Made for those wishing to become certified fly fishing instructors, is useful for anyone who wants to brush up on their skills. It’s a treasure trove of practical information. The site is fairly bare bones design-wise, but the videos are clear and concise. International Federation of Fly Fishers master instructor Way Yin demonstrates the roll cast, the forward spey, the single spey, the double spey, the snake roll and the snap T. There’s not a lot of dialogue, (or in some cases, none), but the visuals are well worth the visit. In some cases, they have two different camera angles so you get different perspectives on what the instructor is doing.
Fly Fishing Newfoundland
Want to learn how to spey cast from one the best guides, or ghilles, in Scotland, the home of Spey casting? In this video, expert spey caster Mike Donald goes over the basics in a delightful Scottish brogue. You may want to turn up the volume to fully appreciate (and understand) his accent. Sample dialogue: “If the Rrrrrriver is coming off your rrrrrrright shoulder, then you should be doing a single spey off your rrrrright hand.” Donald also delves a little into the history of the technique.
Tight Lights Fly Fishing
In this one, guide Andrew Moy of Tight Lines Fly Fishing demonstrates spey-casting techniques for beginners. It’s nearly 45 minutes long and covers a lot of territory.
Spey Casting Channel
More inspirational than instructional, the hundreds of videos on this Vimeo spey casting channel will get you pumped to hit the water as soon as possible. It features movies of varying length from exotic locales, such as Alaska and Norway, and spots closer to home, too, like the Cascapedia River in Quebec. Upping the wow factor even more, many are shot in marvellous high definition.