
Species: Bear, Caribou, Moose

Coordinates: 48° 57€² 25€³ N, 54° 36€² 32€³ W


Population: 10,000

Why We Chose It:

Take a population of about 120,000 moose scattered over a 108,860-square-kilometre island and throw 32,000 woodland caribou plus up to 10,000 husky black bears into the mix and you have the makings of a place a big-game hunter could easily call home. And Gander, situated along the Trans-Canada Highway, has just the right mix of opportunities and economics to make a reasonable living between hunts. Thanks to the careful management of Newfoundland’s moose herd, roughly two out of three resident hunters fill their tags in the areas surrounding Gander. All tags are allotted by lottery in mid-May and, in order to participate, you need to have resided in the province for at least six months. Caribou tags are also awarded by lottery and two Caribou Management Areas—64 and 68, with success rates of around 60 and 70 per cent respectively—stretch south from the Trans-Canada near Gander. Insular Newfoundland is the only jurisdiction from which the Boone and Crockett Club and its archery counterpart—the Pope and Young Club—will accept entries for woodland caribou. Global Sports carries firearms, archery gear and hunting supplies, while some basics can be picked up at the big-box store at the Fraser Mall.


George Gruenefeld

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