Jackpine River

Three summer getaways


Jackson Lake

Jackson Lake


Nestled within central Alberta’s Lakeland Provincial Park, Jackson Lake offers great fishing for northern pike, perch and walleye. One of five lakes on a multi-day canoe circuit, it’s a remote yet accessible destination for paddlers of all levels. For canoe rentals and route maps, check out Edmonton’s Totem Outfitters. (780) 432-1223; www.totemoutfitters.ca


Jackpine River


Jackpine River

Popular for spring steelhead and smelt, Ontario’s Jackpine River can also produce feisty brook and rainbow trout during the summer. For brookies and rainbows, troll a silver Gibbs-Delta Croc through the tea-coloured torrents mixing with the clear blue waters of Lake Superior—and hold on. Lake Superior Visits is a good place to start planning your trip. 1-866-688-9990; www.superiorvisits.com



Exploits River

Exploits River

Stretching 246 kilometres, the Exploits River is the second-longest river in Newfoundland and Labrador, complete with an annual Atlantic salmon run that peaks at close to 50,000 fish. The river flows right through the middle of two towns in central Newfoundland, Grand Falls and Bishops Falls, making it possibly the best easy-access water in the world for Atlantics. (709) 258-6206; www.centralnloutfitters.ca