Two Dutch anglers landed a boatload of giant muskies on Eagle Lake with simple Euro tactics. Here’s how


Eagle Lake Island Lodge general manager Charlene Snow


For a first-hand Canadian take on the Dutch anglers’ performance, I asked Snow (above) about the short morning she spent fishing with the anglers. “I fell in love with Sybe’s lures,” she says, noting the anglers gifted her with a couple of the baits. “They are so beautiful that I was actually torn about putting them in the water. But Sybe said they are meant to be fished, not hung on a wall.”

Snow took the pair to a couple of spots close to camp and Biemond almost immediately caught a nice muskie. “The lures they use are extremely wobbly, and I think the quick darting motion explains why they caught all of their fish away from the boat,” she says, confirming the pair never once had to figure eight. “The action of their lures reminded me of a Believer, but they presented them as though they were jerking Suicks, with the lure performing the side-to-side walk.”


The other thing that surprised Snow was how Biemond and Mellema never used their boat’s bow-mounted electric trolling motor. Instead, they relied on the tiller to either backtroll or quickly move forward while they casted. As for their tackle, Snow says she was impressed by Biemond’s short, super-light rod, which she tried. “It was amazing,” she says. “It was so much easier to cast.”