11 essential turkey-hunting tips from an expert gobbler getter


When you find a turkey load you like, stick with it

Tip #8  Your whole turkey season may come down to one chance, so you need to know how your shotgun and load perform at various distances. So be sure to pattern your gun with the ammunition you’ll use when hunting. Once you’ve found a load you like, stick with it.

Tip #9  Carry a laser rangefinder. Awareness of the exact distances to your decoys can help you make accurate estimates when birds are in close.


Tip #10  Watch birds going to roost in the evening and plan your next day’s hunt accordingly. To avoid detection, set up at least 150 metres from the roost tree. And if you’re going to hunt the roost, it’s imperative to set up before first light.

Tip #11  If a tom’s gobble grows fainter, it’s because his hens are leading him away. Be patient—he’s heard your call and he’ll return to investigate once he’s finished breeding the hens. As Jim noted, calling in a tom doesn’t align with the rules of nature, where hens go to the tom. Successfully changing that requires you to remain patient—and pay strict attention to the details.