Promising simplicity, versatility and access to new waters, kayaks are the ultimate fishing machines. Here’s how to get in on the action
As is the case with all small boats, federal regulations require kayaks to carry a PFD for each person on board, a sound-signalling device, a buoyant heaving line and a bailer (except for SOTs, which are self-bailing). And all kayakers should always wear a PFD, with no exceptions, ever.
I also suggest a paddle leash. Recreational kayakers have to work pretty hard to lose a paddle overboard, but mishaps are a lot more likely when you’re distracted by a fish. Other essentials for a day on the water include layered clothing, rain gear, warm or water-friendly footwear (depending on the season), plus drinks and snacks.
I think rod holders are the most essential fishing accessory, both for trolling and for storing multiple rods. A close second is some kind of crate to store gear, fastened behind your seat where it’s out of the way, but easy to reach. There are numerous more sophisticated add-ons for specialized tactics, and most sonar companies offer kayak kits to install transducers and GPS/chartplotter units. (Check out some of the latest accessories here.)