Species: Salmon, Steelhead
Coordinates: 52° 8€² 0€³ N, 118° 27€² 0€³ W
Location: British Columbia
Why we chose it
In 2010, Steelhead; Large fish close to town
When to fish: The third week of May, August and September through to the first three weeks of November are best.
Where to fish: There are numerous potential areas, but start by the bridge in town.
Tip: Use spoons and plugs or try bottombouncing.
—Ryan Kohler, vice-president of Wild TV
In 2008, Chinook; The best opportunity to hook a tyee over 40 pounds
When to fish: June and July.
Where to fish: The river’s lower section.
Tip: Pull an orange-pink Storm Wiggle Wart, rigged single barbless.
—Mark Pendlington, host of Sportfishing BC