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SKB shotguns were made at a facility near Tokyo, Japan, from 1885 to 2009. Currently, the SKB name is used for shotguns manufactured in Turkey. From 1967 to 1977, Ithaca imported several SKB models into North America, marketing them as Ithaca-SKB guns. The example shown here is an Ithaca-SKB Model 200E, which was offered in 12- or 20-gauge with fixed chokes (this one is a 20-gauge choked full and modified). With its chrome-lined barrels, selective ejectors and selective single trigger, it’s a very well made shotgun. The boxlock frame has an acid-etched engraving pattern, plated with German silver.
SKB doubles are highly regarded by double shotgun fans as good-quality, reliable, durable sporting arms. As a result, they’re becoming quite collectible. The gun shown here, in 99 per cent or better of its original condition, would likely bring $1,500 to $2,000— including a premium for being a 20-gauge—at a Canadian firearms auction.
After the association with Ithaca ended, SKB imports to North America stopped for about a decade. In 1987, importation resumed under the SKB name alone, and continued until 2009. Model numbers changed slightly (the SKB 200, for example, is the same as the Ithaca-SKB 200E). SKB also introduced some higher-grade models, including the 280, 300, 385, 400, 480 and 485. A small number of Model 485s with engraved side plates, featuring either a pistol grip or straight grip stock, were offered in 28-gauge. They make excellent upland game guns, and are especially popular with collectors. They can easily bring in $3,000 or more at auction.