There is not much positive you can say about the pandemic, but one good thing that has emerged from all of the misery and heartache is a newfound love for fishing by a record number of Canadians. In some cases, folks have rekindled a love for the sport that somehow escaped them. In still other cases, however, folks have decided there is simply no better time than the present, to learn how to fish and get in on the fun.
“The Canadian National Sportfishing Foundation (CNSF) is encouraging Canadians to discover — or rediscover — the benefits of recreational fishing,” says my good friend, Mike Melnik, who is the Managing Director of the CNSF. “And there is no better time to do it than during National Fishing Week. It is the annual summertime event that runs from July 3rd to July 11th and is designed to help Canadians experience the thrill of recreational fishing.
“It’s been proven that fishing has a positive impact on mental wellness, which is something that’s crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic. With so many indoor activities having being deemed unsafe over the last year, more Canadians than ever are picking up a fishing rod and spending time out on the water, where risk is minimal.”
Of course, Melnik was quick to remind us to fish responsibly during National Fishing Week by getting vaccinated, adhering to local health guidelines, practicing social distancing, fishing close to home, and shopping locally when possible to support an industry that generates over $8 billion annually to the Canadian economy.
“Fishing fosters a new generation of conservationists,” Melnik emphasized. “And it benefits the environment because it gives us all a reason to care about the natural resources that our activities depend upon. It is also easy, affordable and a great way to escape electronics and reconnect with our family and friends.”
And how cool is this: Canada is now right at the top amongst the world leaders when it comes to the percentage of the population vaccinated against COVID-19. And while we can’t let down our guards quite yet, there is still much we can celebrate. And celebrate we will by giving away five (5) gorgeous Pure Fishing Navigator spinning combinations and Ugly Sticks.
To enter the draw, all you have to do is post on my Facebook page HERE a favourite fishing image from the past two years, along with a short one or two sentence explanation. It could be an image of your very first fish, or your long flowing fishing hair, since barber shops and hair salons have been closed until recently. Maybe even a pic of an unsung frontline hero who finally has the chance to spend some time out on the water. I’ll select five images at random and announce the winners on July 12th.
Good luck, folks, and good fishing during National Fishing Week.