Making the case for the best cartridges for Canada’s big game
Our most popular species, whitetails also occupy the widest range of habitat. In the eastern woods, where 100 metres is a long shot, the venerable .30-30 is ideal. In parkland areas, where shots can reach out to 250 metres, an old warhorse such as the 7×57 is perfect. On the prairies and in the foothills, however, shooting opportunities for those with the expertise can extend to 400 metres or more. There, one of the 7mm magnums would be right at home. But for the one cartridge that can handle it all, I’ll go with the .308 Win. This short-action round can be chambered in quick-handling carbines well suited to close-cover hunting, yet it has the downrange energy and flat-shooting capability to effectively take down bucks at any practical range.