Interesting opportunities may await downstream of your usual trout waters

Too hot for trout fishing? Beat the heat with these 5 summer fly-fishing challenges


Fly-fishing alongside spin anglers can make for an entertaining day


When fishing with friends who only use conventional gear, it can seem natural, even polite, to leave your fly rod at home. That’s especially the case in boats, where fly anglers may need extra room or special positioning. But if your companions are cool with it, stick with the fly rod. You probably won’t catch as many fish as them, but you never know. Any gamefish that will hit a lure, will hit a fly. If you’re casting or trolling in shallow or mid-depth water, and you’ve got the right tools (such as that sinking line), you’re in the game. And if you happen upon a mayfly hatch, the spin guys will be begging you for flies.