Interesting opportunities may await downstream of your usual trout waters

Too hot for trout fishing? Beat the heat with these 5 summer fly-fishing challenges


The Muddler Minnow is a solid choice for a personal one-fly challenge


It’s a well-known psychological phenomena that working within constraints inspires people to come up with creative solutions. The ultimate fly-fishing version of this is spending a day on the water with just a single pattern. (Or if that’s too extreme, only surface patterns.) This idea has been around for a while, and I used to think it was pretty silly—until the day I hit the water with just a box of Muddler Minnows in sizes 10 to 4. For starters, I wasted zero time stressing about patterns. It also forced me to think tactically and focus only on high-percentage spots. Most of all, once you catch a few fish, it’s a vivid reminder that where and how you present a fly is very often more important than the pattern itself.