Muskie madness
On Lake St. Clair, muskies are no longer “the fish of 10,000 casts”
There are many experienced and knowledgeable guides
Large, and lacking obvious fish-holding structure, Lake St. Clair poses a daunting challenge for anglers who are new to the water. The solution: take a charter. There are a number of reputable charter operations, on both the US and Canadian sides. When I visited St. Clair, I stayed with my good friend Lynn Henning who (at the time) lived just outside Detroit. And our choice was FishPredator Charters, based in Michigan’s Harrison Township, about an hour-long drive from both Windsor and Sarnia. FishPredator is operated by Captain Steve Jones, who has been guiding anglers on Lake St. Clair for an incredible 43 years. He has several boats, but our day was blustery and rough, so we were grateful to be in his 35-foot Hatteras (above), which offered a secure and comfortable fishing platform