The hunt is on!
Wildlife managers across the land reveal this year’s hot spots for Canada’s favourite big-game animals
Again this year, hunters everywhere throughout this great country have something to rejoice. The details of big-game prospects vary by region, of course, but the overall national snapshot is looking good according to our annual survey of provincial and territorial wildlife managers. White-tailed deer numbers are up just about everywhere, pronghorn antelope herds are increasing, elk numbers are stable or growing, moose and mule deer populations are up or recovering from recent declines, and black bears are considered abundant everywhere.
Not all the news is completely positive, however. For big-game species such as mountain sheep, mountain goats and muskoxen with restricted habitats, some populations are declining or merely stable, while many caribou populations continue to face serious challenges. Again, though, the overall prognosis remains excellent, as the following national big-game forecast reveals. Good luck out there this hunting season, everyone!