Outdoor Canada’s 2024 Father’s Day gift guide: Great outdoor gear, tackle, apparel, accessories, gadgets and more




Here’s a nifty idea if Pop enjoys a wee dram on his adventures. When it’s impractical to carry a heavy, breakable glass bottle of fine spirits, he can decant his amber nectar into this handsome, tough flask that fits a full 750mL bottle. Though in reality, it’s actually a three-piece bar set, with two tumblers that magnetically attach to the flask, which is also vacuum insulted for temperature control, and made with a kitchen-grade 18/8 stainless steel interior.

If you’re looking for something smaller, High Camp Flasks also makes the 6-ounce Torch flask (above), which boasts a magnetically attached 3-ounce shot glass. Plus, the bottom also screws off for easy filling or to add ice. Either one—or both—make the perfect accessory to long conversations around the campfire.


Learn more: www.highcampflasks.com