Pro tactics from TV’s Keith Beasley for successfully hunting black bears wherever they’re found across the land
When it comes to hunting black bears, you’d be hard pressed to find better opportunities anywhere in the world than in Canada. From Vancouver Island’s tidal flats to Newfoundland’s rugged terrain, the Canadian wilderness is teeming with thriving bear populations. Along with my brothers, Kevin and Paul, I’ve been fortunate to hunt all across this land, whether spotting and stalking in the open country of B.C. and the Prairie provinces or putting out bait in the thick boreal forests of Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick.
My brothers and I have also been fortunate to head afield with some of the finest bear-hunting guides in the world, and learn from their successes in the process. Every hunt has been slightly different, but each experience has taught us more about how black bears behave—and, as a result, how best to hunt them. To help make your next bear-hunting adventure a success, here are some of the top tips and techniques we’ve picked up along the way.