DFO Biologist reflects on decades of Pacific salmon management
Outdoor Canada is pleased to present Blue Fish Radio, podcasts about the future of fish and fishing in Canada. Produced and hosted by Lawrence Gunther, the program is dedicated to sharing first-hand angling knowledge and scientific discoveries, and supporting local champions who protect and enhance our waters.
Biologist Brian Tutty (above) spent 38 years with the federal fisheries department, mostly on Canada’s west coast. Now retired for over a decade, he still consults on public fishery-related matters.
In this episode of Blue Fish Radio, producer/host Lawrence Gunther, asks Tutty to review some of decisions taken (or not taken) about wild Pacific salmon over the past 50 years that led to where we are today. The answers are startling, but perhaps not surprising. Tutty also observes how society’s values concerning wild salmon changed over the years, and why he thinks we need to turn to local and indigenous champions if the wild salmon are to recover.
To listen to the episode now, press PLAY below. To download this podcast to your device, go to the Blue Fish Radio home page.