Fishing reel

Blue Fish Radio: Taking on the Scourge of Illegal Overfishing


Outdoor Canada is pleased to present Blue Fish Radio—podcasts about the future of fish and fishing in Canada. The program is dedicated to sharing first-hand angling knowledge, scientific discoveries and supporting local champions who protect and enhance their waters.

Illegal, unreported and unregulated commercial fishing—also known as pirate fishing—is a serious global problem that contributes to overfishing, creates unfair competition, and impedes sustainable fisheries.


In this episode of Blue Fish Radio, Lawrence Gunther interviews Michele Kuruc, vice-president of ocean policy at the World Wildlife Fund, about the global problem of illegal fishing, and why we need to put a stop to it before the world’s wild fish stocks are decimated. To see some of the ways that illegal fish gets from the ocean to your dinner plate, click this infographic.

To listen now, press play. To download this podcast to your device, go to the Blue Fish Radio home page.
