
The other ducks


For duck hunters wanting more than mallards, our guide to gunning for bufflehead, gadwall, goldeneye, wigeon, northern shoveler, redhead, ringneck, scaup and teal has you covered.

Part 1: Gadwall, wigeon, blue-winged teal, green-winged teal, northern shoveler

10 Canadian duck species—other than mallards—you should set your sights on this season (part 1 of 2)


Why you should take a break from duck hunting’s usual suspects and gun for something different, but just as tasty

Part 2: Redhead, scaup, ring-necked duck, goldeneye, bufflehead

10 Canadian duck species—other than mallards—you should set your sights on this season (part 2 of 2)

Why you should take a break from duck hunting’s usual suspects and gun for something different, but just as tasty.
