Teaching fly fishing to a novice? Remember these 6 essential tips


Photo: Flickr/Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Northern VA


During initial outings, stay away from boats and large, deep or swift-flowing rivers. The best place is a creek or pond with hungry panfish or juvenile bass, where a 25-foot cast with a Woolly Bugger or small popper will almost guarantee success. The next best destination is a straightforward section of river, free of casting obstructions and snags, and likely to hold some fish. Since wading adds another layer of difficulty, don’t take a beginner beyond shin-deep water. Set your student up to cast quartering downstream with a wet fly or small streamer, letting the fly swing across the current. This is the easiest and most forgiving of all river approaches; fish tend to hit at the end of the swing, usually hooking themselves. Stick close by as your student casts, retrieves and gradually moves downstream—and hopefully catches a few fish.