Where and how to hunt Canada’s most popular upland game birds



Forget those images of regal hunters dressed in gentlemanly garb and carrying high-end doubles (below). In truth, hunting for upland game birds requires minimal investment. All you really need are a shotgun, shotshells, hiking boots, a hunter-orange vest, and upland pants with reinforced lower legs to protect against prickly shrubs and thorns. Of course, a well-trained pointer or flushing retriever is also a great asset, but it’s not an absolute necessity.


As for the guns and ammunition, either a 12-, 16- or 20-gauge shotgun is best. Most upland game bird hunters prefer an over-under or side-by-side, but semi-autos, pumps and single shots are also used. Depending on the size of the bird, go with anything from small #7½ loads to #5s or #6s for bigger or fleeing birds. Where regulations allow, a .22 rimfire rifle can also be used to harvest grouse, as can a .410 shotgun.