For the flush
Whether it’s grouse, pheasant or partridge, upland game birds bursting from cover make for one exciting hunt
Forget those images of regal hunters dressed in gentlemanly garb and carrying high-end doubles (below). In truth, hunting for upland game birds requires minimal investment. All you really need are a shotgun, shotshells, hiking boots, a hunter-orange vest, and upland pants with reinforced lower legs to protect against prickly shrubs and thorns. Of course, a well-trained pointer or flushing retriever is also a great asset, but it’s not an absolute necessity.
As for the guns and ammunition, either a 12-, 16- or 20-gauge shotgun is best. Most upland game bird hunters prefer an over-under or side-by-side, but semi-autos, pumps and single shots are also used. Depending on the size of the bird, go with anything from small #7½ loads to #5s or #6s for bigger or fleeing birds. Where regulations allow, a .22 rimfire rifle can also be used to harvest grouse, as can a .410 shotgun.