Our 10 most popular fishing and hunting stories of 2022!


Over the last 12 months, we’ve posted some 280 stories on OutdoorCanada.ca, packed with hunting and fishing know-how, hot spots, tales of outdoor adventure and coverage of essential conservation issues, both close to home and across this great land.


This year’s most popular posts include perennial favourites such as our gear round-ups, including the year’s best new firearms, lures, fishing kayaks and boats, along with a few surprises. Though the least surprising result was our #1 story of the year: fishing editor Gord Pyzer’s 50 all-time favourite fishing spots. complete with tips, tactics and decades’ worth of bucket-list destinations.

In 2022, Outdoor Canada celebrated its 50th anniversary by publishing Gord’s hot spots story, along with a series of other 50-themed articles brimming with hunting and fishing tips. On the final page, you’ll find links to all five of those stories, plus a special mention for the final article from “gun guy” Dave Anderson. After many years of writing his hugely popular gun-appraisals, Dave is taking a well-deserved retirement. We’ll miss his stories immensely, but you can still see all Dave’s past work on his author page.

Whether you missed these great Canadian fishing and hunting stories the first time around, or you’re back for another look, we hope you’ll enjoy…
