Larry Smith
Larry Smith

Buck Blunders: 8 Whitetail Behaviour Myths That Might Be Blowing Your Hunt



Myth #4: Only large bucks will rub on large trees.

Many hunters believe that a rub on a large tree is a sign there’s a large buck in the area. That’s partly true, but you can’t always take it to the bank—bucks of all ages will rub on both large and small trees. It’s generally true that large bucks will initiate rubbing on larger trees, but smaller bucks will often rub on the same trees, unable to resist the opportunity to leave behind their calling cards.


Remember, bucks don’t intend to rub their antlers on trees, but rather the small scent glands on their foreheads between their eyes and the base of the antlers. This way, they leave behind scent to advertise their presence and warn other bucks in the area. And while large bucks will often rub large trees, don’t assume rubs on smaller trees were only made by smaller deer—mature bucks will also often rub on saplings and smaller trees.