How much do you know about Canada’s hunting and fishing history? Take our quiz!


THE 1980s

#1  Which part of 1982’s Constitution Act protects the right of Indigenous people in Canada to harvest fish and game for food and ceremonial or social purposes?


a. Section 1

b. Section 15

c. Section 28


d. Section 35

Photo credits (from top left):; Wikimedia Commons; Jorg Hempel & Peter Van der Sluijs; NOAA

#2 This invasive species was first reported in Lake Ontario in 1982.


a. Bighead carp

b. Water soldier

c. Round goby

d. Spiny water flea

#3  The European Economic Community banned imports of these animal products in 1983, destroying Inuit livelihoods in Canada’s North.

a. Walrus tusks

b. Muskox hides

c. Seal skin and furs

d. Polar bear hides

#4  What Canadian outdoor company began production in a rented pig barn in 1983?

a. Excalibur Crossbows

b. Islander Reels

c. Princecraft

d. Grohmann Knives

#5  From 1984 to 1987, approximately how many wild turkeys were released in Ontario to reestablish the province’s extirpated turkey population and allow for hunting?

a. 1,500

b. 2,900

c. 4,400

d. 6,800

#6  Painted by renowned wildlife artist Robert Bateman, what waterfowl appeared on the inaugural Canadian Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp in 1985?

a. Canvasbacks

b. Mallards

c. Canada geese

d. Wood ducks

#7  What major conservation initiative did Canada and the U.S. sign in 1986?

a. North American Waterfowl Management Plan

b. Conservation of the Porcupine Caribou Herd

c. Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears

d. Migratory Bird Treaty

e. None of the above

#8  What was Ken O’Brien trolling when he caught Ontario’s record muskie on Georgian Bay in 1988?

a. Rapala’s Countdown

b. Eppinger’s Dardevle

c. Muskie Mania’s Jake

d. Mepps’ Muskie Killer

Photo credit: USFWS

#9  Invasive zebra mussels (above), first discovered in the Great Lakes in 1988, have actually been beneficial to aquatic ecosystems. True or false?

#10  What was the name of the fictional lodge that served as the location for the Red Fisher Show, which went off the air in 1989?

a. Possum Lodge

b. Scuttlebutt Lodge

c. Angler’s Paradise

d. Tall Tales Lodge