One of the many issues of concern for the fishing and hunting community is recruitment, or, more specifically, the greying of our ranks. In short, we are continually striving to bring new anglers and hunters, particularly youth, into the fold. And more and more, the outdoors community has also been targeting woman as potential new outdoorsfolk of tomorrow. And that’s a good thing. In fact, it seems like a no-brainer to me, and something we should have been doing long ago.
Not that fishing and hunting is new to women, but I know for a fact it hasn’t always been easy for my female counterparts to gain acceptance into the largely boy’s club that is the outdoors. But things are changing. And to help highlight those changes, and to encourage more women to head afield or hit the water, Outdoor Canada will be hosting a special Women of the Outdoors panel on November 27 at the upcoming Outdoor Canada Show, with yours truly as the emcee (it’s all part of the November 25 to 27 Great Outdoor & DIY Weekend).
Not only will this be an entertaining and informative event, it will also offer a great chance for you guys out there to inspire your special ladies to join you on your next fishing or hunting trip. After all, we’ve assembled a crackerjack panel of well-known Canadian outdoorswomen to share their insights on what it’s like for women in the world of hooks and bullets:
Amanda Lynn Mayhew-Hare
She’s fitter than hell and she packs heat. This is one tough outdoorswomen, and with an entrepreneurial streak to boot. A product of northern Ontario, Amanda is the founder of the health and wellness magazine Fytness Fanatik and, together with husband Craig Hare, she’s the co-founder of the hunting website
Mariko Izumi
As the niece of TV fishing icon Bob Izumi, it’s not entirely surprising that Mariko has made a career out of fishing—and on TV no less. As the enthusiastic host of WFN’s Hookin’ Up, Mariko travels the continent on the prowl for fish, fun and interesting back-stories from the various destinations she visits. While she makes no attempt to hide her feminine charms, Mariko is all business when it comes to catching fish.
Vanessa Harrop
So, how’d your hunting season go? Ask Vanessa and she’ll tell you all about the seven-foot grizzly she took down at just nine yards. Yikes. Now that takes, well, ovaries. Together with partner T.J. Schwanky (an Outdoor Canada field editor) and Richard and Sandi Mellon, Vanessa is co-host of Alberta-based Outdoor Quest TV. Impressive, considering she’s been hunting for just seven years.
Kathyrn Maroun
As a chronically fumbling fly fisherman, I can’t help but be humbled watching Kathryn throw tight loops on TV as she targets exotic fish the world over. One of a mere exalted few women to hold FFF certification, Kathryn is host, producer and director of the award-winning fishing TV program What a Catch. And get this: Vermont’s American Museum of Fly Fishing has an exhibit dedicated to her.
To get all the deets on when and where to join our panel discussion, please click here.