Photos afield
Presenting the winners from Outdoor Canada’s 6th annual photo contest
FAMILY: 3rd Place
Photographer: LaDon Klywak
Where: Lake of the Woods, Ontario
When: October 2016
Details: LaDon Klywak’s 13-year-old son, Kerwin, has been fishing since he was four, but he’d never caught a walleye as small as the one in this photo. “When he brought up the line, he was laughing so hard he could hardly speak,” Klywak says. “Kerwin shouted, ‘Look at this, it’s the size of my minnow!’” He then released the fish with the hope he can catch it another day when it’s bigger. Nice work, Kerwin.
Prize: Alps Outdoorz Outfitters Premium Backpack and Duffle Bag Prize Package