Secrets of success
6 winning ways to help fill six big-game tags in just one year (or to at least have fun trying)
After five days, my October moose hunt in northern Alberta last year was turning into a bit of a bust. It was cold and rainy, and worse, my hunting partner and I hadn’t seen a single moose the whole time. I was ready to call it quits and head home, but instead I decided to try one more spot. Immediately after letting out a cow call, I heard that beautiful and unmistakable grunt of a bull. Then I saw flashes of his silver back through the pine trees as he charged towards us, stopping broadside at 75 yards. I took my shot, and he dropped just 10 yards from the lakeshore, making it easy to load him into the canoe.
You could say I simply got lucky on that hunt, because I absolutely did get lucky. But to get lucky, you first need to put yourself in a situation where that can happen. That means doing the hard things to give yourself the best chance for success: hike to your stand in the dark; stay out glassing until last light; explore new territory; and resist the ever-tempting urge to head home early. The more time you spend hunting, the luckier you’ll get.