Mastering drag is key to naturally presenting your fly
Less line on the water means less opportunity for drag. So, before you cast, position yourself to make the shortest cast possible. Then the idea—which I fluked into those many years ago—is to land the fly in the strike zone, but with slack in the line. That way, the water can pull on the line without affecting the fly. Ironically, as you become a better caster, adding that slack can be hard to do.
One solution is the “wiggle cast.” As soon as you stop your forward cast, wiggle the rod tip rapidly back and forth. This creates S-shaped wiggles of slack in the line as it lands. Another trick is the “reach cast.” Again, stop the forward cast as usual, then quickly point the rod up- or downstream (in a reaching motion), while letting a little line slip through your fingers. Both techniques help set up a drag-free drift, but there’s still more you can do.