Image Via: Scott Gardner
Image Via: Scott Gardner

8 reasons why Guatemala is the #1 place in the world for Canadian anglers to catch a billfish


Scott Gardner
Scott Gardner

#7  You can target—and actually catch—sailfish on the fly rod

Most anglers visiting Guatemala are content to troll for sailfish—and no wonder, considering the outrageous numbers of fish they can hook. But Phil and I were looking for something different: sailfish on the fly rod. It requires a team effort, but it’s a legit and effective way to catch these acrobatic billfish.

Scott Gardner
Scott Gardner

You troll a full spread of hookless teasers, and when a fish appears, slashing at the baits, the mates pull in the teasers closer and closer to the boat, until the fish is in casting range. Then the mates speed-crank the teasers away, as you cast the 10-inch fly to the hungry, riled-up sailfish. And hopefully the fish is “hot” enough to strike. Let me tell you, watching a seven-foot-long, 90-pound fish, move through the spread and then accelerate toward your fly (above), slashing at it with that fearsome sword is a sight I never imagined I’d see—and one I will never forget, either. And when it hits, your fly rod arcs and, well… I’ve got save something for my Outdoor Canada story. But I will say this…
