Backcountry brookies
The best fishing is far afield, but the rewards are more than worth the effort
Plan early
If you’re thinking about making the pilgrimage, consider that Algonquin Park’s backcountry camping works on a reservations system. Sites on your desired route could be booked by the time you arrive, so book in advance by heading over to the park’s website where you’ll find a digital map and information on making your reservation. Speaking of maps, the Official Algonquin Park Canoe Routes Map site is a good place to start planning your route. You then want to switch to a more detailed map to bring on your trip. Navigational maps made by The Adventure Map company are a good bet and they also share info on what species of fish reside in respective areas of the park. Another notable resource is Jeff’s Map.
Note: you’ll need more than just basic fishing skills to tangle with Algonquin’s brook trout. To get into the right territory where you’ll catch more and larger fish, and to make sure you stay safe out there as well, ensure your canoeing, map navigation and wilderness camping skills are up to the task. Because of the portages and padding distances, a reasonable amount of physical stamina is an important prerequisite for these types of fishing trips, too. However, the extra work involved makes catching these trout all the more rewarding and addicting.