The dirty dozen
12 common mistakes that can totally @#$%&! your duck hunt—and how to avoid them in the first place
Some of the best duck hunts take place when it’s cold and the north wind is howling. But if you find yourself shivering on such a miserable day, the chances are good you’ll head home early and miss out on some great action. Even if you stay put, you may have trouble concentrating and making good decisions, or difficulty squeezing the trigger.
To avoid all that, make sure you head out with the proper clothing to match the weather. A wind- and waterproof insulated jacket and matching bibs are invaluable for keeping warm. To further ensure your comfort, dress in layers and wear a warm hat. The beauty of layers is that you can remove them so you don’t overheat when setting up decoys or running down cripples, then put them back on so you don’t get cold waiting for the ducks to swarm your decoys.