The dirty dozen
12 common mistakes that can totally @#$%&! your duck hunt—and how to avoid them in the first place
When ducks approach your decoy spread, they’re looking for food or drink, or a place to rest. At the same time, they’re on the lookout for signs of danger. These keen-eyed critters can spot potential trouble from afar, and when they see unnatural motions, they flare. Prior to your hunt, therefore, delegate one member of your party to be the spotter. Having just one lookout to tell everyone else when ducks are approaching will restrict unnecessary movement, greatly reducing the odds of your set-up getting busted.
Between flights of birds, try to stay hidden in your blind as much as possible. That way, you won’t get caught flat-footed by a distant flock. And when retrieving downed birds, do it as quickly as possible and get back into your blind.