The latest fascinating firearms appraisals and stories from Outdoor Canada’s gun guyDave Anderson·December 16, 2021
Rifle review: Savage’s new 110 Ultralite has the carbon-fibre advantageMark Hoffman·November 29, 2021
Outdoor Canada’s gun guy appraises reader firearms—and tells it like it isDave Anderson·November 16, 2021
Gun review: Weatherby’s Mark V Backcountry Ti is the quintessential high-country rifleMark Hoffman·October 26, 2021
The latest fascinating firearms appraisals from Outdoor Canada’s gun guyDave Anderson·September 29, 2021
Shotgun review: Browning’s A5 Sweet Sixteen is an excellent pheasant gunMark Raycroft·August 24, 2021
2021’s best new hunting gear: Fantastic firearms and ammo for Canadian huntersKen Bailey·August 9, 2021
These readers’ vintage firearms have some surprising history—and appraisalsDave Anderson·June 21, 2021